pause to swallow
Iris print, 30 x 22 in, ed. of 5

yellow, pink, blue
Iris print, 22 x 30 in., ed. of 5

double blue
Iris print, 22 x 30 in., ed. of 5

Hips & Lips

Hips & Lips explores the interiority of compulsive behavior. The video depicts a candy necklace worn around the neck of a woman. The necklace is consumed through selection, sucking, and chewing. The duration of consumption is interspersed with a figure hula hooping at dusk. The framing of the latter activity focuses on the figure’s arm creating a repetitive awkward motion. The audio is a manipulation of the actual sounds of these two activities dissolving in and out until the candy is gone and the hula hoop has fallen.

Single channel video projection, 7’ x 9’, 14 minutes, 2000


Push Pull

